Friday, February 3, 2012

Nadzmi -.-

heyy blog . How are you doing ? Feeling great ? awwwww , merajuk kee ? janganlah merajuk . adui , baru beberapa BULAN aku x update kauu . Errrr -,-

Well , this post will going to be "tangkap leleh" punyaa . Hmmmm , Its all about my friends . Act , aku rase kawan2 aku semua akan pikir lain terhadap aku . Heyy , chill nadzmi . I used to have so many friends , all of them are my best friends . but recently , I felt like I am not a good friend to them . You know what , I admit , they all are very good to me . its just me who give trouble to them . A good friend does'nt give trouble to them , but give hopes to them . well , I think I gives trouble to them . aku ni mmg tak boleh dijadikan kawan . Masalah aku , tapi aku heret sekali diaorang semuaa .

Kalau difikir2kan balik , baik aku sendiri2 je , aku dah serik nak libatkan orang agyyy . Aku taknak lagi semua bnda ni . tak mengapalah ,


Wooo , Nadzmi please concentrate on your studies . Please make good deeds in your last year . Please don't make your teachers feels bad about you . Please make your friends feel good to you . Please do your responsibility more responsible . Please help yourself to be a good person . Please dont make trouble in school . Please do all your homework . Please Please and Please ! !

I really want those 11A+

Tapi , kalau dengan cara kau macam ni , memang kau akan hadapi masalah dalam belajar . Please Nadzmi ! CONCENTRATE !

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